Monday, October 15, 2007

Go Gore, Baby!

It’s been a moody decade for Al Gore. Rushing from Vice President, to Presidential candidate to having Florida pull the rug out from under his potential Presidency, he’s one of those people who, not given a moment to breathe, have their lives sculpted out for them. Not only their lives, but their image.

Gore has endured the same jabs at his image as many a politician. Stiff and overly bookish, he was tagged as a policy-narc with the personality of a turnip. Thus, it only makes sense that it took a presidential defeat and the flight of his many of his image-hawks that he was able to “be himself.” (I didn’t think Gore knew what a sense of humor was until I saw An Inconvenient Truth)

Albeit, this is pure speculation on my part but how else can you explain the return to his environmental roots, his Oscar Award and now (*drumroll*) his Nobel Peace Prize.

Way to go, Al. I give you mad props.

What’s funny about the political arena is that often, you have to detach yourself from politics in order to be successful as a person.

Case in point: with the Peace Prize under his belt, people are whispering of Gore throwing his name into the Presidential pool. It’s as if success in politics can only lead one way: to the White House.

Gore, to his credit, has not bolstered any of these rumors. But at the same time, his aides have not denied the claims outright either.

I can only hope that everything in Washington isn’t just an act.

1 comment:

TaquitoWong said...

I've said this before, but Al gore is the man. However, despite my go-environment sentiments and my shut the hell damn pro-business jerks side, there is a point in saying that global warming does need more research. That said, it is disguesting to see that the scientific community rules against saying anything is absolute is the bush administration's excuse for doing nothing. ITs like Okay Bushy, if you say there needs to be more research, ordera commision to conduct an independent review and teh best form of action. Moron. Maybe he did and I don't know???