Monday, October 1, 2007

Thinking Outside the...Country?

It's been a while since I've caught up on my "it's all politics" podcast so this story is a little old but it still caught my attention (ear?)

Apparently a number of presidential candidates--Obama, Giuliani, Clinton-- have been fundraising overseas! Giuliani hosted an elaborate fundraising dinner in order to court, strangely enough, American financiers and businesspeople who are currently living in Great Britain.

Seems like a bit of a long shot at first, doesn't it?

But on second glance, one wonders at the economic insinuations this political move makes. If enough movers and shakers in the financial are abroad for a political candidate to seek them out...what does this say about where American money?

Of course, it could just be that our presidential candidates were looking for a vacation.


Anonymous said...

I actually think this is really interesting. There are so many American people living abroad, whether it's for work (I mean someone has to run those sweat shops outside the country right...losers) or any other reason. Reaching out to them not only brings in more money, but it also gets their name out to people who are living abroad and can get absentee ballots. Although, if Giuliani started asking England residents for THAT would be an even more interesting story!

Bryan M said...

Ya know, this story does say something about how all Americans' vote count. I mean having politicians go overseas to get support just shows that they all need all the help they can get to win in 2008. And yes, obviously they're out to get money too, but if I were an American overseas and a president came to visit, I know I'd be impressed.